Monday 23 September 2013

The Arctic Monkeys Deconstruction



BODY LANGUAGE- Here is shows the band relaxed and posing with their arms folded to the front and the other members in the back are loose and laughing. There mouths are all open either smiling or asif they want to speak wehich shows they were having a good time. This photo shows a lighter side to the ARCTIC MONKEYS. unlike there usual dark, black and white photos and clothing and serious feirce stances.  Also here the from 2 are looking into the camera where as the back 2 are looknig away and laughing, which could show how the 2 in the fronts personalities are more serious than the 2 in the back and importance is portyayed like this to.  The light looks asif it is from the right, there are shadows and is looks like the photo has been took in a bright place. Noticed how that the lead singer of the band is slightly out of proportion may also connote something. Like i have lighly touched upon, the clothing is normal, working class clothes which shows the audience how they dont believe they are any differemt or superior.

The place that they are in could be a room or just a backdrop but it is light and the whole picture is colourful. The picture that has been took is a mid-shot of the band. There is no framing just the framing of the photo when it has been took. No editing has been took either. This could be because of they want themselfs bare to us.

The band is a dark band, with alex turners voice low and huskey. This brightness is a total contrast to it. This photo portrayes alex turner as the main man and we know that he is. He is the focus point for this photo because we know that. The way they are placed could also show the order there are valued with alex 1st as he is front and outword, then the band member next to him and then the 2 at the back.
They are a major band, and are followed seriously by the fans. They are on tour and love to make a big fuss at their gigs.

I have been to one of there gigs already and am going on one on the 22nd of October. I cannot wait. This band is so different and so much fun yet so much meaning goes into things and if not then there is a significant reason for the things that are in their songs and what they sing.

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