Saturday 21 December 2013

My music magazine article. Double page spread


Diamonds in the dirt star Liam Bendelow has risen to the top with a shine and a sparkle throughout 2013, being in the press and local newspapers for everything sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Last night the singer was performing for the first time back at Wembley stadium the indie rock band 'Diamonds in the dirt' start shows real dedication to his work from now on. How long will it last? We don't know. The lead singer is looking sexier and buffer than ever since the split up, creating a new album on his own and cooking up a storm with the local press. The Middlesbrough born singer has really cooked up a storm already his year releasing a new album and a live tour for 2014, with many dates still to be released. We caught up wit the man fresh of stage for an exclusive interview on why the group is no more and what's its like to go from a band to a solo artist.

Your looking a little bit sweaty here Liam, did you enjoy your gig?

Yeah It was crazy, the fans are amazing! I couldn't ask for better and that comes from my heart.

You must have some loyal fans to be able to come back after what happened to you and your band?

Yeah I do , I cat thank them enough, I miss the boys and so do they but it brings us closer together now and its nice to be free for a while. Just to do my own thing.

What did you do in your free time, did anything weird happen to you, it normally des to the artists hat are so big? Want to share?

(Laughs) It did actually, I got followed into the toilet by 2 men and 2 girls it was a bit surreal if im honest. I take stuff like that lightly though and its quite funny anyway.

That seems a little crazy. Did you see your ex band mates on your travels or are you still disappointed with what happened with them in the end?

I am still upset, we did not have to split up. I loved the boys as a family and its a real shame. I hope we can sort something out in the future but as for now im sort of getting my own back.

Whys that?

Its not intentually, but im successful on my own and they will be jealous that I have made it so far without them.

Oh I see, have you got a girlfriend yet, im sure the fans will want to know?

Im not seeing anyone at the moment, its a long time since ive been with anyone, so its not really my first priority any more.

That's fare enough, would you ever date a fan. That's if they didn't follow you to the toilet( laughs)

(laughs) yeah I could, they would have to be right for me though. I would love to if they not a crazy fan like you have states ( laughs again)

Are you looking forward to your tour and the loads of different places you are going this time, that's exciting.

I defiantly am. I cannot wait, the fans, the road, the staff, just everyone the whole experience is amazing every time.

.. and the money cant be bad either?

( laughs) No its not, that is a plus

Is a new album on the cards to?

The main focus at the moment is the tour and making that run smoothly. But after that I hope so. Very much!

Well good luck with everything and I'm sure we will ear again from you very soon.

This was the double page spread article that I created. I hope it is up to standard and I have tried to portray a light hearted and fun feel to it, so that the age group that the magazine is targeted is reflected.

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