Monday 24 February 2014

Evaluation question 5

How did you address attract your audience?

The language that I used on the front cover of this magazine is shown here. I used selling words such as 'shocking' and ' special' which gives the audience the impression that they are important and they are involved. These types of language should excite and interest them. I attracted them due to looking at what the audience would want to see. I have hopefully give of the impression that I knew what I was doing. I tried to use different conventions to do this. I used flashes and used the colours yellow, red and black so that everything complimented each other and they are simple which is what the reader of this want. The readers of this magazine are interested in the contents not what the colour scheme is, they are more deep. Yellow is the block colour that is used for the most exciting of the stories such as ' john myres shocking new album' and ' the fear'.

The models on the front of my magazine could be the reason to attract my audience. this could be because they fit into the scene of the music and people can relate. The male audience may want to be them and the women audience may think they are handsome. They are both young and people could find them attractive. I made sure that the clothing was set to the genre also. I made the models look into the camera and make them the mode of address as if they are looking at the audience, I find this technique very striking and effective.

The masthead on my front cover is large so that the audience can tell what the magazine is and always recognise it. Further on my magazine, I have put the names and stories what is included in my magazine in red. This is because red is a powerful colour and will attract the audiences attention to this and make them want to read and want to buy.

The word plus is in yellow on a red background so that it stands out and shows the audience that they are getting a good amount of content and its interesting. This could be the reason someone buys it. There is a lot of information on my cover, so that should interest the audience that they are getting what they pay for as their is a lot of good stories. I have also used recent and regular bands to make sure this is the case.

This is my double page spread. I have used the article to show the reader what is to come if they buy the magazine and to see what is in it. I have used an attractive main model that dresses the same as what people may expect of a 'indie'. Looking directly at the audience he is giving the audience the effect that he is looking at them. Which is good with the quote next to him.  He is also holding a guitar which people find attractive and interesting. I have set the photo so that the guitar is off the page and through the title. This is to show a edgy effect. I have then shown some home photos of the model which shows a fun and exciting side of him which I think people will like because it shows that people who read this magazine are fun and like a good laugh and a party. I stuck to the general house style here also, with the same colours ect.

I feel that the language I have used is interesting and readable. I believe that the readers would enjoy is because it is fun and young written and also funny such as ' I got followed to the toilet'. Which is standing out in the article so the audience again sees a fun side. This is how I attracted the audience by the element of fun and games with a edge. which again can be seen in a typical 'indie' person. This is a light hearted effect and this is also shown in the quote' the fans are amazing. I couldn't ask for better and that comes from the heart'. This gives the fan something directly to them to read.

The tour dates are also something that will attract audience as it gives them something to look forward to.

In my contents page as you can see I used a fun and vibrant photo which shows again the fun and yet edginess of this magazine. It again follows the colour scheme and looks nice and neat. It attracts the audience because it has a lot of information and yet is easy to read and follow. It gives live dates which excites the audience and shows reviews on loads of artists. I have worded the text so that it sounds exciting and used bands and artists that are part of this genre and the audience loves. I have used words such as' Exclusive and specials' which connotes that there is something worth looking at. It should create an explosion for the reader when they read it. I have put these things in yellow so they stand out.

The photo is another direct mode of address but it is a more fun and looks cooler. However, I feel like the audience will feel more relaxed and might have a giggle about this photo. It does work well though with the ones underneath also. I have used a subscribe now button to show readers they can get issues and look at the magazine online, which shows this magazine is keeping up to date with its readers and catering for their needs.

Everything I have done in this magazine is to keep the audience interested and keep up to date with the genre of music and articles that magazine such as Q and NME produce. I think I have done well and think my magazine is good enough to buy. With the pictures and articles also, are effective as people like photos.

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